Request for 50 Volunteers: Pump out basements in High River July 6,7

It’s go time! I have received 50 volunteer passes for our group to help pump out basements and help homeowners of this disaster. As of July 4th the passes may not be required but for safety reasons we will still be registering volunteers and reporting to High River officials of our efforts. Please RSVP to [email protected] for registration before 7:00PM Friday, July 5th, 2013

JH innovations Inc. will be officially leaving at 9:00 am July 6th & 7th from 444 Ogden Dr. SE. We will be car pooling to take fewer vehicles into the area. Expect to be in High River until about 6:00pm.

There are lots of ways that you can help us in the area. We will be going from home to home removing furniture from flooded areas then removing all waste materials and pumping any left over water. The final stage will be to clean the area so that the home is safe for residents until they can rebuild. We need people for the manual labour portion but we will also need someone to take the lead on food prep and organization for 50 people for 2 meals and snacks. If we end up with too much food or water that is not a bad thing as we do offer it out to the community we are working in.

With 50 volunteers we should be able to help over 20 homeowners a day if they are just getting in and about 30 if they all ready have their furniture moved out.

When: July 6 & 7 9AM – 6PM

Sign up: Email [email protected] before 7PM Friday, July 5th.

Please come prepared to work. You require rubber boots, gloves, safety glasses, paper masks and respirators and you must be dressed in full-length pants and t-shirts.


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